

Pizza Palazzo
Szabadság tér 1

On szabadsã¡g tã©r 2. is a bar/pizzeria. they put little tomato sauce on the pizza itself and expect you to make up the diference with ketchup. not the best in town.

Pizza Max Caffe
Dózsa György út 36.

(http://invitel.hu/pizzama...) dã³zsa gyã¶rgy ãºt 36. quality pizziera gives you the choice between thin and thick crusts and also offers soups and sandwiches. on top of that they'll give you a bowl of peanuts to munch on while you wait.

Pizza Fortuna

Kå‘rã¶sfå‘i u. 14 tel 28/545-565. good, cheap pizza in a residential neighborhood. the only drawback is they don't have anywhere to sit and eat. they deliver everywhere in the city.



In an around Szabadság tér are a few places to get gyros or hamburgers.

Special Gyros

At ãllomã¡s tã©r, on the gã¶dã¶llå‘ hã‰v stop and near the train station serves up the best gyros in town. they're definitely worth grabbing while waiting for the train or hã‰v.


Szélkakas Étterem
Bajcsy-Zsilinszky E. utca 27.

weathervane restaurant (http://www.szelkakasetter...) bajcsy-zsilinszky u. 27. good atmosphere with typical hungarian fare. it can get fairly busy on weekends, so reservations may be needed.

Yellow Pub és Étterem

On dã³zsa gyã¶rgy ãºt 64. traditional hungarian dishes and beer. located a short walk out of the city center. after 21:00, dinner is half-priced.

Sulyán Cukrászda

On szabadsã¡g tã©r 8. offers hungarian cakes, somlã³i galuska, and gellato. during the spring and summer they set up tables outside so you can people watch on the square.